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Horizontal single-stage single suction centrifugal pump with overhung impeller
Horizontal single-stage double suction centrifugal pump
Horizontal multilevel festival stages centrifugal pump
Horizontal multistage split casing centrifugal pump
Horizontal multi-casing multistage split casing centrifugal pump
Vertical single-stage single-suction centrifugal pump
Vertical multilevel festival stages centrifugal pump
Vertical multistage centrifugal barrelpump
Vertical mixed flow pump
Vacuum pump
ADD: 27 Liuhang Road,Boshan,Zibo City,
  Shandong Provience,P.R.China
MAIL: foreigntrader@boshanpump.com.cn
Name:DG Boiler Feed Water Pump

General Instruction: This series pumps are single suction, multistage and segmnetal centrifugal pumps. The capacity of this pump ranges from 10to 66 m3/h, the head ranges from90to 1100m, the temperature of the medium should not more than 130℃. This serise pumps are mainly used for boiler feed of medium and small thermal power plant, and the other occasions which needs small flow but high head.

This series of pumps have many advanced features such as high efficiency, energy-saving. The shaft seal is soft packing gland.The materials of major parts as follows: suction casing, interstage, dischagre casing, diffuser, impeller——plain cast iron (low presssure end) and nodular cast iron (high pressure end), shaft——carbon steeel.

The meaning of pump type as following: e.g. 80DG50沉年。80—diameter of inlet and outlet (mm); 50--single-stage head (m).
